Lines Styles and Markers
Set the basic series attributes in order to choose between solid, dashed or dotted line plots, bar plots, or scatter plots
Dashed/dotted line plots and more
To begin styling our plot, we can begin with setting the following Series attributes:
Series attributes | Type |
seriestype | :path, :sticks, :scatter, :bar |
linestyle | :solid, :dash, :dot, :dashdot, :dashdotdot |
lw | Float |
seriescolor | Color Type |
which will allow us to style the line.
For example, the code to produce a simple dashed line is
using Plots
x = 0:0.05:1;
y = sin.(2π*x);
plot( x, y,
while for a dotted line, we simply replace the linestyle=:dash
This is how some different combinations of seriestype
and linestyle
look like.
Note that changing the seriestype
of a column is equivalent to using commands such as scatter(x,y)
, bar(x,y)
, etc.
Custom Marker Shapes
Optionally, we can also add different kinds of marker shapes on top of the selected lines, with the following attributes:
Series attributes | Type |
marker | :d, :hex, |
markersize | Float |
markerstrokecolor | Color Type |
Let’s see a full example
using Plots
x = 0:0.05:1;
y = sin.(2π*x);
plot( x, y,
lw = 3,
seriescolor = :green,
marker = :circle,
markersize = 8,
markercolor = :green,
markerstrokecolor = :green,
More succintly with line and marker tuples
When composing many different options to customize a plot, setting so many attributes one by one can become annoying.
More succintly, we can also use the equivalent syntax:
plot( x, y,
Note that, remarkably, the line
or marker
tuples can contain their elements in different orders, so line=(:path,:dash,:green,2)
or line=(2,:green,:dash,:path)
will work as well.
Picking Colors
As for picking different colors for our lines or markers, the Color Type
can stand for any symbol of the following list, like :darkblue
, :firebrick
, etc.